Baby Genius Box (0 - 2 years)
Introducing babies to flashcard activities from as early as 6 months can be beneficial for giving them visual stimulation and also improving their overall cognitive development.

0 - 2 years
Baby Genius Pack

Brilliant Minds Box (2 - 4 years)
Did you know that by reading five books a day with your child they will start school having heard approximately 1.4 million more words than children who were never read to? This “million word gap” is a key factor in differences in vocabulary and reading development.

(2 - 4 years)
Brilliant Minds Box

Future Leaders Box (5 - 7 years)
'That's me!' introduce your child to main characters that look just like them. Reading and storytelling helps your child's development in many ways. Our Brilliant minds box includes fun activities to kick start your childs love for learning.

(5 - 7 years)
Future Leaders Box

Family Discovery Box Bundles
Looking to bring the family together? Our discovery boxes are a great way because we have something for everyone! Check out our handy Family Bundles, so you can purchase more than one box and receive a discount. get it tailored just right - from baby all the way through to age 7.
Book Only Subscription plans
Self-image and well-being directly impact a child's capacity to learn.
''If in their formative years, children do not see their realities reflected in the world around them or only see problematic representations mirrored back at them, the impact can be tremendously damaging. To redress imbalances in representation is not an act of charity but an act of necessity that benefits and enriches all of our realities.'' - Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE),
Family Books-Only Bundles
Expand your family's literary library with our unique book bundles! Gift a special Black Childrens’ Book to each loved one up to age 12 and experience heartfelt stories together.